Have You Been Struggling with Your Ectomorph Body Type? This Is the Best Diet Plan and Working Routine You’ve Been Missing Out

Joss Vanyose
3 min readSep 24, 2022


While it may seem hard for others to lose weight, amongst the somatotypes comes ectomorphs who equally struggle in gaining weight. With increased metabolism, knowledge about your primary body type is the hack to unleash your fantasized body image. Here’s what to consider for all ectomorphs in diet and training choices in getting closer to a body type that will command nothing but a frank obsession.

What is An Ectomorph Body Type and Features

An ectomorph body type as established by W.H Shaldon a psychologist is a lean body physique that struggles to gain weight possibly due to a higher rate of metabolism.

Characteristics of Ectomorphs.

· Lean Body with tall and lanky limbs

· Less body fat and muscle

· Faster body metabolism

· Narrow shoulder and hips

· Hard time gaining weight

· Even when they’ve gained weight it turns to lean muscle

· Thin Joints

If you are nodding yes to some of these features, it means that you’ve found your body type and now you can strive towards getting better results. While this is catered towards ectomorphs, endomorphs, as well as mesomorphs, can benefit as well.

Best Diet Plan for An Ectomorph

As already established ectomorphs have a much harder time gaining weight, as required consuming high-calorie diets may not always be a blessing in disguise coz this may turn out to be extremely discouraging for ectomorphs desiring to add on muscles. With a higher metabolism, 50–60% of their diet should be geared towards calorie intake primarily from carbohydrates. Their bodies prefer to use carbohydrates as fuel and if they have insufficient intake this means they will be straining their body stores interfering with the minimum calorie required by the body for proper functioning.

Important carbs sources include.

· Oats

· Rice

· Sweet potato

· Carrots

· Whole wheat bread

· Quinoa

However, don’t rely on eating a high-calorie diet in your meals only. You can also consider high-calorie snacks 2 or 3 times throughout your day.

In addition to your high carb's intake, the rest 50% can be supplemented from proteins and good fats each sharing 25% each. Healthy fats help in weight gain while proteins aid in repairing, building, and restoring your body after a well-deserved physical exercise. For a more clear quantification at least eight ounces of protein (meat, seafood, poultry, or dairy) should be consumed at each meal.

Best Ectomorph Work Out Plan

Now that the diet required is out of our way, it’s time we couple that with a workout routine. Most ectomorph lean towards cardio and endurance training losing more weight instead of muscle hypertrophy. Hence, this necessitates hypertrophy training needed for muscle packing and weight gaining. Moreover, it isolates muscles, and breaks down muscle tissue this, in turn, instigates protein synthesis which helps in tissue repair increasing total lean mass. Heavyweights plus the calorie surplus will set you up for achieving your macro body goals.

Include at least 3–5 sets of exercises incorporating 5 total exercises. As you progress increase weights and decrease the reps. A minimum of thrice a week you can train every group of muscles by heavy lifting and integrating compound exercises and isolation exercises. Ectomorphs should also do cardio for health benefits but crucial to use low-energy sessions only.

Take Away

What’s your body type? Do you think you are an ectomorph now? If yes, I’ve outlined the best meal plan and exercise routine your body has been craving for all these years. Muscle up towards your long-term body goals. Trust me! They’re so achievable.



Joss Vanyose
Joss Vanyose

Written by Joss Vanyose

Joss is a Health and Wellness writer. With 5+ years of writing he is able to condense complicated health information to digestible articles for consumers.

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